Add button on Liquidity page to aggregate to specific chain without withdrawing

Add button on Liquidity page to aggregate to specific chain without withdrawing


Give liquidity providers an option to aggregate liquidity to a specific chain, with a new button that does not withdraw funds.


With time, liquidity will be spread out over various chains. Some liquidity providers may want to aggregate liquidity back to a specific chain without the need to withdraw funds and re-add


Make it easier for liquidity providers to aggregate liquidity back to the chosen chain, without the need to withdraw and re-add liquidity.


Add a 4th button on the liquidity pool page to aggregate liquidity to the chosen chain without withdrawing.


  • Yes, let’s do it
  • No, not a good idea
  • Can’t be done due to technical reasons

0 voters

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Before voting, I’d like to know from the core team

  1. If there are any technical implications of such a change
  2. The amount of dev work this would take.
  3. Does this mean requiring all new audits?